Friday, September 25, 2009

chapter 2 study questions:

1. read the quote from Thomas Jefferson on page 18. Why do you feel this promise was not kept?

Because land was taken from the Indians by the white folks, against the Indians will.

2. Give examples of how the Cherokees became acculturated to European culture.

They adapted their government to the United States model government , built schools, and many became Christians. White people classified these Indians as "civilized" because the Cherokees had acculturated to some of the European and American ways.

3. By 1932, how much of their original reservation lands had Indians lost? Describe how the Dawes Act caused much of this loss.

The Indians had lost over half of their original land they were given. Because they were each given a piece of land out of the land they were first given and all the rest of it they said that they have to share it. So they took the other half of the land that did not belong to them and spread it around to all those who needed it will their permission.

4. Why did Cheif Joseph and Captain Jack engage in battles with the U.S. Army?

Cheif Joseph was the head Cheif of the tribe, he was upset in 1855 because the gold was discovered. He faught with federal troops. He was superior Military Tactics. Captain Jack was asked to leave their home land and Captain Jack fought against everyone for his land.

5. Why do you think constitutional rightsguaranteed in the "Supremacy Clause" were not granted to Indians in their land disputes with white settlers?

They were guaranteed the right to their land. He took their land and their resourses. "Native Americans have a right to their land". They over ruled their rights by taking their own land from them and shareing it without permission to do so. They had the president of the United States to over rule their rights and take their land from them.

6. If you were a White settler moving west, how would you have handled land problems with the Indians?

I would not make the Indians move out of their land that they are use to just because us "white settlers" were trying to move west and we wanted their land. That is not fare and i ould not want that to happen to me if i lived there and people just came and said were taking your land. I would do the right thing and go around them and find our own land.

7. If you were an Idian ordered to move immediately to a place that was harsh and cold, and you did not have enough warm clothing or supplies, would you follow this order? What choices would you have?

we probably would not have a lot of choices wether or not we want to stay or go but i would deffiantely make the effort for myself and my people so we couldnt have to move and be at risk of dieing because were moving into hearsh cold wether and we dont have any warm clothes or supplies to keep us alive. i would go straight to a judge and pleed my case and hope they would understand.

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